CIMNE BEE Group activities in research projects have evolved over the years to provide comprehensive solutions for improving energy efficiency in buildings and environment. Hereby you will find a list of all R&D projects. You also can check our publications and stay connected by signing in our monthly BEE News.


Demand Response
BlueBird – Bluilding Integrated User-Empowered Flexibility Trading.
01/12/2024 – 30/11/2027
BlueBird will deliver a comprehensive and validated toolset, to fully allow competitive adoption of buildings as energy flexibility assets, supporting smooth integration of services towards energy market players (i.e., TSO, DSO, aggregators) while maximally aligning with end-user’s…
HORIZON EUROPE Innovation Action

Energy Communities & Positive Municipalities
CELINE – Cross-sectorial integrated digital services Enabling energy Localized InnovatioN and community Empowerment
01/10/2024 – 30/09/2027
CELINE will conceptualize, co-design, develop, and demonstrate an open-source cross-sector data-driven Digital Ecosystem and Toolbox, comprising a Digital Twin of community energy systems and AI Assistant Tools, enabling the creation of tailored cross-sector data-driven services.
HORIZON EUROPE Climate, Energy and Mobility | GA number: ….

Territorial planning
CLIMRES – Leadership for climate resilient buildings
01/06/2024 – 31/05/2027
CLIMRES aims to foster a ‘Leadership for Climate Resilient Buildings’, by addressing the identification and systematic categorisation of buildings’ vulnerabilities and estimating their impact in the buildings’ ecosystem considering the interlinkages within the urban context.
HORIZON EUROPE Climate, Energy and Mobility | GA number: 101147777

Territorial planning
DestinE – Destination Earth Use Case: Dust and Energy in Barcelona
01/03/2024 – 31/06/2024
Destination Earth is a flagship initiative of the European Commission to develop a highly-accurate digital model of the Earth (a digital twin of the Earth) to model, monitor and simulate natural phenomena, hazards and …
Funded by the European Union

Data analytics
iKnos Energy – Descabonització d’edificis comercials a través de solucions intel·ligents per l’optimització de l’ocupació i el consum energètic
01/03/2024 – 31/08/2025
L’objectiu és desenvolupar la infraestructura d’intel·ligència per a facilitar la descarbonització dels edificis comercials amb una reducció del consum energètic per sobre del 20%, a través de l’optimització dels espais de treball i de la gestió dels sistemes de climatització.
Acció Climàtica – Nuclis R+D Green

Energy Flexibility & Demand Response
EKATE+ – Digitalización y optimización de Comunidades Energéticas Renovables en la zona transfronteriza España-Francia, utilizando tecnologías de acumulación energética y sistemas compartidos de electromovilidad y nuevas cargas flexibles
01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026
EKATE+ acomete los retos de diseñar, desarrollar e implementar, mediante acciones piloto, tecnologías digitales avanzadas basadas en: algoritmos de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), Gemelos Digitales e IoT, para avanzar en la gestión de CERs integradas por múltiples sistemas de generación distribuida, acumulación eléctrica y térmica, electromovilidad y otras cargas flexibles.
INTERREG POCTEFA | Ref. number: EFA41/01

AGROPURITECH – Desarrollo de técnicas de tratamiento y valorización agrícola del purín de porcino intensivo en el este de andalucía
01/10/2023 – 30/09/2026
El proyecto pretende implementar técnicas sostenibles para el tratamiento de los purines generados en la producción intensiva de porcino, con el objetivo de reducir emisiones de amoniaco y gases de efecto invernadero (GEI), reducir contaminación química y biológica, y valorizar los subproductos para la recuperación de nutrientes y energía. Para conseguir estos objetivos se definen dos líneas principales de acción…

Territorial planning
CR-BCN – Climate Ready BCN
01/05/2023 – 30/06/2025
Climate-Ready Barcelona (BCN) aims to support the Barcelona city council and citizenship in anticipating and adapting to climate change effects and the related energy crisis. It will develop and implement cutting-edge energy awareness services addressed to the Energy Advisory Centers (EACs) users and a data-driven household climate vulnerability map to support the municipal departments’ climate-related decisions.
ICLEI Action Fund 2.0 | Ref. number: …

Energy Flexibility & Demand Response
DEDALUS – Data-driven Residential Energy Carrier-agnostic Demand Response Tools and Multi-value Services
01/05/2023 – 30/04/2026
DEDALUS will design, develop and demonstrate SSH-driven (Social Science and Humanities) multi-value energy carrier-agnostic micro (home/apartment)-to macro(building & district-scale) participatory Demand Response (DR) ecosystem.
Horizon Europe – Climate, Energy & Mobility | Ref. number: …
BEE Group CIMNE thematics on research projects include: Demand response, big data analytics, energy empowerment & user behaviour, biodigesters, and energy-positive buildings

Green Shipyard – Desarrollo de un sistema de eficiencia energética aplicando inteligencia artificial para reducir la huella medioambiental mediante la descarbonización en astilleros.
01/10/2023 – 30/09/2024
Feasibility study on the decarbonisation of shipyards by digitalisation of energy consumption, optimisation of machinery and equipment control with intensive use of artificial intelligence (AI), and incorporation of renewable energy sources and electrical/thermal storage at a local level.

Energy Positive Communities
ePLANET – European public local authorites’ network for driving the energy transition
01/09/2021 – 31/08/2024
ePLANET is a three-years project where in the first year will develop a proof of concept over three regional pilots (Catalunya, Crete and Czech Rep) to ensure the correct deployment of developed tools and to cover the real needs of public authorities in the energy transition.
HORIZON 2020 – Secure Clean & Energy Efficiency | Ref. number: …

Data analytics
EN-TRACK: Energy Efficiency Performance-Tracking Platform for Benchmarking Savings and Investments in Buildings
01/11/2020 – 31/10/2023
Data is still hard to access because it is decentralized and in different formats. Consequently, only a small part of this can be used to produce reliable empirical evidence…
HORIZON 2020 – Secure Clean & Energy Efficiency | Ref. number: 885395

Data analytics
BIGG – Building Information aGGregation, harmonization and analytics platform
01/12/2020 – 30/11/2023
The BIGG project aims at demonstrating the application of big data technologies and data analytic techniques for the complete buildings life-cycle of more than 4,000 buildings in 6 large-scale pilot test-beds.
HORIZON 2020 – Secure Clean & Energy Efficiency | Ref. number: 847066

Energy Positive Communities
PI-PLATES – Plataforma de predicció Territorial
01/01/2020 – 30/06/2022
The Pi-PLATES project is based on the willingness of the Government of Catalonia to update and improve the technological capabilities of the competent public administrations in land management in Catalonia.
SmartCatalonia – TDA: Programa de Tecnologies Digitals Avançades

Energy Communities & Demand Response
EKATE: Photovoltaic Electricity and Shared Self-Consumption Management in the France-Spain cross-border area, using “Blockchain” and “Internet of Things (IoT) technology
01/12/2019 – 31/05/2022
Aprovechando la existencia de un marco legal para el autoconsumo compartido, los principales resultados serán la implantación de…
Interreg POCTEFA| Ref. number: EFA312/19

01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022
The GAVIUS project will create a digital tool that facilitates citizens to obtain the subsidies and social aids to which they are entitled in an agile and easy manner, through artificial intelligence features.
UIA 2019 Sustainable use of land nature based solutions | Ref. id: UIA04-095

Data analytics
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2022
Smart energy services integrating the multiple benefits from improving the energy efficiency of the European building stock.
H2020 SC3 – Secure, Clean & Energy Efficiency | Grant agreement: 847066

Data analytics
02/05/2019 – 30/04/2021
The main goal of Fem IoT is to become a laboratory platform for research and innovation in smart city infrastructure elements and all the resulting value-added services.
GENCAT – FEDER – Activitats emergents | Ref. number: 001-P-001662

Energy Communities & Demand Response
FLEXCoop – Flexibility based demand response
01/10/2017 – 30/09/2020
Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives.
H2020 SC3 – Secure, Clean & Energy Efficiency | Grant agreement: 773909

Energy Communities & Demand Response
01/04/2016 – 31/03/2020
Simulation supported real-time energy management in building blocks
H2020 – Secure, Clean & Energy Efficiency | GA

Data analytics
27/09/2016 – 31/10/2019 (EXTENDED 31/12/2019)
Shared knowledge for Energy renovation in buildings by Public Administrations.
MED Programme 2014-2020 – Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories

Data analytics
01/04/2017 – 30/06/2019 (EXTENDED)
Sistema de Información Energética de Edificios en Ecuador
Proyectos de cooperación AECID

Data analytics
EDINET – The Energy Data Innovation Network
01/03/2016 – 28/03/2019 (EXTENDED 31/12/2019)
EDI-Net assists in building city’s or region’s capacity to more effectively implement sustainable energy policies.
H2020 – Secure, Clean & Energy Efficiency | GA

Energy empowerment
01/06/2016 – 31/05/2019
Reducció Energètica i Flexibilitat en Edificis en Rehabilitació
Comunitats RIS3CAT – Projectes col·laboratius de recerca industrial i innovació

PNB – Programa Nacional de Biodigestores en Ecuador
Línea base y demanda potencial técnica de biodigestores en Ecuador: Análisis del contexto y tipologías de productores.
CTCN- Ref. Num.: 2015000061

Data analytics
01/07/2016 – 31/12/2017
Gestió activa intel·ligent d’energia en edificis terciaris
Comunitats RIS3CAT – Projectes col·laboratius recerca industrial i innovació

Positive living
01/07/2016 – 31/12/2017
The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings. Operation, maintenance, improvement and promotion.

Positive living
ZEBRA 2020 – Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings Strategy
01/04/2014 – 30/09/2016
The EPBD requires nZEBs by 2019/2021 and long term-targets such as the EU energy roadmap a carbon reduction target of 88 to 91% in the building sector up to 2050.
CIP 2007-2013 IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe

Miliconcentradores dieléctricos
2014 – 2016
Miliconcentradores dieléctricos multifase para integración de sistemas solares en edificios..
Plan nacional I+D

Positive living
Provisions of the Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency
2014 – 2016
Analysis of good practices and development of guidelines.
ENER Call for Tender

Energy empowerment
01/04/2013 – 31/03/2016
Empowering customers to save energy by informative billing.
CIP (2007-2013) | IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe

Energy empowerment
01/03/2013 – 30/06/2015
Energy Certification, Technology, Information and Communication for User Satisfaction.
MED Programme 2007-2013 | ENVIRONMENT: Protection of the environment and promotion of a suistanable territorial development

Positive living
01/04/2012 – 31/03/2015
The AIDA project carried out actions to develop and promote nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEBs) in the municipal energy roadmaps and in the Sustainable Action Plans (SEAPs). The project involved a large number of territories and municipalities joining 4.936 signatures that commited to implement SEAPs with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions.
CIP (2007-2013) | IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe

Data analytics
01/01/2012 – 31/12/2014
The SmartSpaces pilot project was ambitious and complex, involving 22 partners in 11 pilot cities all undertaking slightly different approaches to addressing the use of ICT to reduce energy and water consumption in European public buildings.
ICT-PSP – ICT Policy Support Programme

Data analytics
01/09/2011 – 30/11/2014
SEMANCO helped reduce CO2 emissions by integrating energy use information in neighbourhoods, cities and regions. It provided architects, engineers, building managers, local administrators, citizens and policy makers with tools to help them make informed decisions about how to reduce CO2 emissions in cities.

Energy empowerment
Balanced European Conservation Approach
01/01/2011 – 31/12/2013
ICT services for resource saving in social housing
CIP-ICT-PSP-2010-4 | ICT for energy and water efficiency in social housing

Energy empowerment
Saving Energy in Social Housing
01/03/2010 – 28/02/2013
Over 5,000 tenants were provided with EAS and EMS services across ten pilots in six countries.
CIP-ICT-PSP.2009.4.1 | ICT for energy efficiency in social housing