FLEXCOOP Flexibility-based Demand Response

Project title Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives
Acronym Flexcoop
Start date 01/10/2017        End date: 30/09/2020
Program H2020

Visit CORDIS file card

Subprogram SC3 – Secure, clean & energy efficiency

FLEXCoop introduces an end-to-end Automated Demand Response Optimization Framework, which aims to enable the realization of novel business models, allowing energy cooperatives to introduce themselves in energy markets under the role of an aggregator. It equips cooperatives with innovative and highly effective tools for the establishment of robust business practices to exploit consumers flexibility as dynamic Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) providing balancing and ancillary resources toward grid stability and alleviation of network constraints.

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Widening the path for demand-side flexibility services in European households

Joint findings of the FLEXCoop & HOLISDER projects in standardization & interoperability

Under the pen of Končar, FLEXCoop and Holisder projects have put together their findings related to standardization and interoperability in a short report. It highlights the challenges of integrating distributed equipment in a seamless communication chain, from the device to the service provider. The paper points out some key enabling steps for wider proliferation of demand-side flexibility services throughout the European Union.

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Flexibility services for energy cooperatives

An overview of possible flexibility-based services using residential equipment control.

The FLEXCoop final results publication is a comprehensive report and explore how demand-side flexibility services and digitalisation may support an (even) more dynamic energy grid. Bringing along new possibilities for new actors, these services and technologies may enable cooperatives and citizen energy communities to keep on being the pioneers of the energy transition!

FLEXCoop: Demand response for energy cooperatives

Democratising the energy market through the introduction of innovative demand response tools and novel business models for energy cooperatives.

WP6 – Semantically enhanced DER registry and open marketplace for flexibility sharing
WP8 – Dissemination and standarisation / policy recommendations

This brief webinar-type video explains the main features of the demand response solution developed throughout the FLEXCoop H2020 project and the services it will enable for energy cooperatives and their members.

What’s ‘demand response’?
This webinar-type video is a first introduction to the concept of Demand Response.

What’s ‘Demand response’?
This second video on demand response further explore what are Implicit demand Response and Explicit Demand Response

Flexcoop gives answers to multiple questions emerging from this novel business scenario: Residental Demand-Response:

FLEXCoop Newsletter #4 - April 2020
Demand Response for Energy Cooperatives
FLEXCoop installs its solution in its Spanish and Dutch pilots
FLEXCoop's user-friendly application to engage cooperative members in demand response and self-consumption
Demand-side flexibility opens new services to energy cooperative
FLEXCoop at EUSEW 2020
FLEXCoop Newsletter #3 - November 2019
Demand Response for Energy Cooperatives
The tools to achieve the energy transition
FLEXCoop delivers local DR optimisation at consumers’ level
FLEXCoop, how do we know if it works?
Common Information Model, a standardisation of the information exchange inside a multi-component development
FLEXCoop Newsletter #2 - May 2019
Demand Response for Energy Cooperatives
In this newsletter FLEXCoop, how does it work?
FLEXCoop is taking care of its pilot users
Escozon and ODE in TSO pilot for grid balancing
The Spanish TSO open the door to residential aggregation
FLEXCoop Newsletter #1 - November 2018
Demand Response for Energy Cooperatives
What is FLEXCoop?
Why FLEXCoop?
Where are we now?
Connect with us
Flexcoop website
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Optimization in FLEXCoop applies to multiple levels. It spans local generation output, demand and storage flexibility, as well as the flexibility offered by EVs to facilitate maximum RES integration into the grid, avoidance of curtailment and satisfaction of balancing and ancillary grid needs. This is achieved via automated, human-centric demand response schemes with the participation of appropriately selected residential prosumers.

FLEXCoop brings together a wide range of baseline technologies to build an open and interoperable DR optimization framework includes a fully-fledged tool suite for energy cooperatives (aggregators) and prosumers involved in the DR value chain, ensuring:

  • End-to-end interoperability between energy networks, energy management systems and devices
  • Realization of new business models for energy cooperatives
  • Residential energy consumers empowerment and transformation into active market players

To enhance prosumer acceptance, the FLEXCoop innovative services will feature non-intrusiveness, comfort and well-being preservation, non-violation of prosumer daily schedules as well as maximization of benefits through transparent and open participation in markets. It will also guarantee easy switching between DR service providers, vendor lock-in avoidance, customized DR service contracts and objective settlement and remuneration, thus establishing an energy democracy context and empowering prosumers to become active energy market players.

FLEXCoop project is now at the starting point, defining the key objectives and business scenarios examined in the project. The FLEXCoop objectives can be summarised around six main pillars, namely:

  • Objective 1: Safeguard distribution grid reliability and the transition to a more fossil-free energy future through explicit automated demand response strategies on the basis of aggregated flexibility utilization.
  • Objective 2: Enable intelligence enhancement of Smart Home Systems with the integration of ICT-enabled human-centric DR optimization and the provision of innovative services to prosumers.
  • Objective 3: Democratizing energy markets, through the introduction of residential prosumers as active players in energy markets and the transparent sharing of benefits achieved between the stakeholders involved.
  • Objective 4: Deliver an open standards-based modular solution that ensures end-to-end interoperability between smart grids, energy management systems and smart home devices and holds a high replication potential around the EU.
  • Objective 5: Tackle major market entry barriers for prosumers with the introduction of suitable business models for energy cooperatives.
  • Objective 6: Promote the adoption of the FLEXCoop solution as a next-generation demand response optimization framework through intense dissemination and knowledge transfer of the project’s outcomes towards the targeted stakeholders, reaching out to international audiences within and beyond the EU.
Project participants
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

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