EKATE Photovoltaic Electricity and Shared Self-Consumption Management

EKATE Shared photovoltaic electricity & shared self-consumption - CIMNE BEE Group
Project title Photovoltaic Electricity and Shared Self-Consumption Management in the France-Spain cross-border area, using “Blockchain” and “Internet of Things (IoT) technology
Acronym EKATE
Start date 01/12/2019 End date: 31/05/2022
Program Interreg POCTEFA Ref. number: EFA312/19
View CIMNE file card

The future electricity grid will be decentralised, decarbonised, digitalised and smart. And in this grid, short energy networks using local natural resources will be a priority. The POCTEFA area has exceptional environmental capital and local energy resources, which require improved exploitation techniques, mainly through innovation. To this end, the territory has leading entities and innovation centres in sectors such as renewable energies.

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Shared self-consumption is the association of several people or entities in order to share locally their electricity and/or heat production. These local energy communities are another instrument in the transition towards the new energy model that facilitates local development for the benefit of neighbours and partners.


The second project meeting of the EKATE project was held in Barcelona during 28-29 June 2021. On the first day, the Consortium visits the pilot in Montcada i Reixach. The second day was on CIMNE premises.

Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off of the EKATE project was held by ESTIA at Technopole Izarbel in Bayonne (FR) during 6-7 February 2020.


ABRIL 2021



Energy communities webinar


The conference organized by the Energy Agency of Lleida in the framework of the EKATE project was attended by Carlos Beracierto from Ekiluz, who explained different examples in Euskadi; Marc Rosselló from Som Energia who explained the model followed by the cooperative in Spain; and Juan Sacri from Sapiens Energia who gave his vision and examples in the Valencian Country.

Autoconsumo compartido

Marco regulatorio en España y Francia

El Webinar organizado por el Clúster Eólico de Navarra – Enercluster y el Instituto Tecnológico ESTIA en el marco del proyecto EKATE contó con la participación de  Pablo Zabalza de Enercluster que explicó el marco regulatorio del autoconsumo en España, Mikhail Hamwl de ESTIA que expuso el marco en Francia, y Carlos Montoya y Raquel Vazquez del IDAE que presento el marco estratégico de energía y clima.

EKATE website

EKATE will demonstrate and develop efficient and smart electric energy management services based on photovoltaic renewable energy generation and shared self-consumption, using “Blockchain” and “Internet of Things (IoT)” technology. Three technical actions will be developed to group different innovative activities: diagnosis, review of opportunities and implementation of 2 demonstrative pilot experiences on shared self-consumption of PV electric energy, evaluation of the same and extension plan. Taking advantage of the existence of a legal framework for shared self-consumption, the main results will be the implementation of innovative technologies in pilot installations for shared self-consumption and the development of new business models that will serve as a reference for the new PV installations that are expected to be numerous in the coming years in the POCTEFA perimeter.





EHU - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Enercluster - Clúster Eólico de Navarra

El proyecto EKATE ha sido cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a través del Programa Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020) creado por la Unión Europea.

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