The role of biochar in the psychrophilic anaerobic digestion: Effects on kinetics, acids metabolism, and microbial population
ELSEVIER, Bioresource Technology Reports, vol. 23, 101566, September 2023
Authors: Jaime Jaimes-Estéveza ; Jaime Martí-Herrerob c ; Davide Poggiod ; German Zafrae ; Karen Gómeze ; Humberto Escalantea ; Liliana Castrof
a Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Ambientales (CEIAM), Universidad Industrial de Santander, Carrera 27, Calle 9, Bucaramanga, Colombia
b Biomass to Resources Group, Universidad Regional Amazonica Ikiam, Via Tena-Muyuna, Km.7, Tena, Napo, Ecuador
c Building Energy and Environment Group, Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numérics en Enginyeria, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
d Energy 2050, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RD, United Kingdom
e Grupo de Investigación en Bioquímica y Microbiología (GIBIM), Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia
f Grupo de investigación en tecnologías de valorización de residuos y fuentes agrícolas e industriales para la sustentabilidad energética (INTERFASE), Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS, Carrera 27, Calle 9 Ciudad Universitaria, Bucaramanga, Colombia
This study investigated the effect of biochar in the psychrophilic anaerobic co-digestion regarding biomethane production potential (BMP), metabolic efficiencies, and microbial population. BMP tests of cheese whey and cattle manure as substrates were conducted at different gasified pine wood biochar concentrations (Bc) (10 g/L, 30 g/L, 50 g/L); and particle sizes (Ps) (~0.15 mm, ~0.575 mm, ~1 mm). The most favourable conditions of Ps = 0.575 mm and Bc of 30 g/L, allowed BMP values to go from 0.23 m3 CH4/kg VSadd to 0.34 m3 CH4/kg VSadd. The study of metabolic stages showed how the biochar modulates hydrolysis and methanogenesis and favours the acetoclastic metabolism to improve methane yield even at 15 °C. The biochar’s positive effect is reinforced by its addition boosting the growth of methanogen psychrotrophs populations up to 520 % compared with a BMP with no biochar added at 15 °C. The study showed that psychrophilic AD + biochar might overcome mesophilia’s energy needs by improving yields with no extra energetic requirements.