The aim of the International Conference on Energy Economics and Energy Policy (ICEEP) is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Energy Economics and Energy Policy topics. The 7th International Conference on Energy Economics and Energy Policy (ICEEEP 2023) took place in Barcelona from 28th to 30th April 2023.
Josep Mayos gave a presentation on the energy efficiency performance monitoring platform for the comparative evaluation of savings and investment in buildings, which is being developed within the framework of the EN-TRACK project. On the other hand, Gerard Laguna together with ICAEN, presented Clustering Governance for Energy Transition within the framework of the ePLANET project.

In addition, the ePLANET project was awarded as the best oral presentation of the event. Congratulations ePLANET team!

EN-TRACK abstract: Buildings are responsible for 40% of the energy consumption in Europe, and 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient. Renovation of buildings for improved energy efficiency is a key priority in the European climate strategy and requires increased investments by the private sector. One of the principal challenges to this is the lack of statistical data on the actual energy and costs savings achieved with them. The required energy and investment data is still hard to access because it is decentralized and indifferent formats and only a small part of this can be used to produce reliable empirical evidence on the performance of the energy efficiency investments.
The EN-TRACK project meets the challenge by developing an open-source big data platform enabling massive data gathering, making the data comparable and interoperable with other existing databases, analysing this data and offering relevant results to key stakeholders. This supports better (more informed, more transparent and faster) decision-making, contributes to the de-risking of energy efficiency investments in buildings and facilitates process of closing investment deals. The platform has been put into practice in two large demonstrators in Catalonia and Bulgaria and has collected energy and investment data from more than 5000 buildings and 3000 energy efficiency measures, offering building perfor-mance monitoring, savings evaluation, and benchmarking of investments’ per-formance.
The presentation will make an overview of the EN-TRACK’s approach to data gathering, harmonisation, and benchmarking, and will outline its exploitation po-tential for increasing the energy efficiency investments in buildings.
ePLANET abstract: Achieving long-term targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions requires new actions from different levels of governance. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate an extensive energy transition (ET) deployment by new energy planning methodologies and policies.
In Europe, ET at the municipal level is carried out mainly through initiatives such as the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). These initiatives help municipalities define their ET plans by identifying objectives and a roadmap of actions towards their decarbonization. However, many cities do not have the resources to track their ET targets. In addition, the current governance across the different administrations faces challenging barriers to overcome.
Within this context, the ePLANET European project proposes a set of tools to help municipalities to develop and deploy their ET Plans and follow up on the energy goals. The developed tools mainly address a dynamic tracking of the SECAP(s) implementation and energy efficient measures over municipal buildings. In addition, real-practice validation is under realization in 3 pilot site regions of Spain, Greece and the Czech Republic.
Moreover, ePLANET aims to establish a new clustering multi-governance model for ET by improving coordination between different administrations and involving all actors in the value chain. Applying new clustering governance and new roles will align the energy targets of the municipalities involved.