CIRED, the Leading Forum where the Electricity Distribution Community meets, holds the major International Electricity Conference & Exhibition every two years in different venues in Europe with a worldwide perspective and participation. This year it was held in Rome from June 12-15, 2023.
Marc Girona Badia, doctoral candidate at BEE Group presented his article called Data-driven techniques to improve the reliability of low voltage electricity networks through dynamical evaluation of non-technical losses.
Article Abstract: The paradigm of electrical networks is changing rapidly due to the large penetration of renewable energy sources and other distributed generation and storage assets. The variability in the generation profile hinders the operation of electrical systems and forces to improve control systems as well as to have a better knowledge about how distribution networks perform under intermittent conditions in order to ensure its reliability. However, the network capacity and reliability itself are compromised if the distribution system operators don’t fully control non-technical and non-expected losses in the grid. Therefore, fraud and other grid anomalies’ detection and assessment, as well as a detailed evaluation of consumers’ electricity loads, becomes a priority for paving the way to smarter low-voltage electricity grids. In this framework, this paper provides a methodology to improve the reliability of low-voltage networks by developing a dynamic method based on data-driven models which is able to detect and evaluate the origin of non-technical losses.