An outdoor Test Reference Environment for double skin applications of Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic Systems
ELSEVIER Energy and Buildings Vol. 50 Pag. 63-78 July 2012
Authors: J.J. Bloema ; Chiara Lodib ; Jordi Ciprianoc ; Daniel Chemisanab
a European Commission DG JRC, via E. Fermi 2749, TP 450, 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
b Applied Physics Section of the Environmental Science Department, University of Lleida, c/Jaume II 69, 25001 Lleida
c CIMNE, Building Energy and Environment Group, c/Dr Ulles 2, 08224 Terrassa
This article presents and discusses an outdoor Test Reference Environment (TRE) for double skin applications of Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) Systems.
From the experience gained during the past 20 years in several EC research projects, an experimental tested design for a common Test Reference Environment is proposed. This outdoor test set-up allows the assessment of experimental data for electrical and thermal performance evaluation of photovoltaic systems integrated as double skin applications in the building envelope. The specific design of the Test Reference Environment makes it possible to study in a harmonised way through electrical and thermal energy flow analysis, the impact of different materials for PV modules and construction design of building envelopes. The energy balance for BIPV double skin applications is presented as well.
The experimental data has been used for validation of modelling work by several academic groups which has resulted in an improved knowledge on the heat transfer, in particular the convective heat exchange coefficient for the specific double skin boundary conditions.
- The paper proposes a reference environment for outdoor testing for BIPV applications.
- A common data evaluation method is presented.
- Estimation and modelling of physical parameters assessment are given.