CTCN – UNIDO | Programa Nacional de Biodigestores en Ecuador

Title Design and Scale-up of Climate Resilient Waste Management and Energy Capture Technologies in Small and Medium Livestock Farms
Acronym PNB Ecuador
Start date September 2017    End date: August 2018
Program CTCN- UNIDO Ref. Num.: 2015000061

El objetivo del proyecto es proveer de asistencia técnica, para el desarrollo de herramientas que soporten el desarrollo futuro de un sector sostenible de biodigestores en Ecuador, permitiendo la promoción y la implementación masiva de la tecnología, para aprovechar el potencial de la biomasa de la producción pecuaria.

Este documento corresponde a la Actividad 1: Línea base y demanda potencial de biodigestores: análisis del contexto y tipología de productores. El objetivo de este documento es contextualizar Ecuador a nivel socio-económico, con énfasis en el sector energético y sobre todo pecuario, como insumo para el desarrollo de un sector sostenible de biodigestores.

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Latin American experiences in the democratisation of biodigesters

Contributions to Ecuador

ISBN: 978-9942-36-277-3
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Los biodigestores como tecnología apropiada

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Experiencias de biodigestores de bajo coste en LAC

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Diseño de biodigestores tubulares


One of the results of the project indicates that the National Biogas Program in Ecuador focused on small and medium farmers could avoid the emission of 73,000 t CO2 over 17 years.

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During the project, a technological analysis of several biodigesters was carried out to identify the most relevant options for local conditions, and selected models were installed as part of a pilot program on small and medium-sized livestock farms. Training on installation and maintenance was carried out, as well as the monitoring of the production and use of by-products (mainly biogas and biofertilizers). The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering provided examples from other Latin American countries, including national biogas programs, through the publication Latin American experiences in the democratization of biodigesters. The document introduces biodigesters (their role, products, types), explains the basis of national biogas programs and how they work.





INER - Instituto Nacional de Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables
INIAP - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias

This project has received funding from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in the framework of the Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)

UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
CTCN - Climate Technology Centre & Network