Biodigesters are systems that produce biogas and biol (fertilizer) from organic matter. These are systems in which, in the absence of oxygen and the presence of adequate bacterial consortia, anaerobic digestion develops naturally and the biogas produced is captured.

PhD Jaime Martí Herrero
Jaime Martí Herrero has been working in the field of Biodigesters since 2001. Incorporated at CIMNE BEE Group in 2008, as a PhD researcher, developing most of his scientific activity in Latin America (especially Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Perú) linked to the development and implementation of appropriate technologies (mainly digesters). R&D Coordinator of REDBIOLAC from 2011-2012 and member of the board. Nowadays, he is professor at the Ikiam Amazon Regional University in Ecuador.
The following publications are a comprehensive work about design, implementation and installation of domestic and industrial biodigesters, adapting to simple technologies in cold climates, especially in the Andean region.
The work compiled includes books, manuals, scientific papers, and national biodigester programs.