Green Shipyard

Green Shipyard - Descarbonización en astilleros con un sistema de eficiencia energética aplicando inteligencia artificial para reducir...
Title Desarrollo de un sistema de eficiencia energética aplicando inteligencia artificial para reducir la huella medioambiental mediante la descarbonizació en astilleros.
Acronym Green ShipYard
Start date 01/10/2023
End date: 30/09/2024
Program Perte Naval . .

The objective of Green ShipYard project is to carry out a feasibility study for the subsequent development of an R&D project focused on the decarbonisation of shipyards by converting them from consumer facilities to distributed nodes for renewable generation and energy flexibility. This objective will be based on the digitalisation of energy consumption, the optimisation of machinery and equipment control with intensive use of artificial intelligence (AI), and the incorporation of renewable energy sources and electrical/thermal storage at a local level.





Green Shipyard project has received funding from the Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico.

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