Acronym | eSESH | ||
Start date | 01/03/2010 | End date: | 28/02/2013 |
Program | CIP-ICT-PSP.2009.4.1 | Grant Agreement ID: 250496 | View Cordis file card |
Topic | ICT for energy efficiency in social housing |
Energy efficiency investments are a cost-effective means for decreasing energy consumption, reducing energy bills and reducing the likelihood for energy poverty. The eSESH solution, offering energy management(EMS)and awareness, services based (EAS) on ICT and smart metering, achieved 9%savings for heating and 5.9% for electricityon average:additionally, 5.457m³ hot water and 3.186m³ cold water were saved.Savings amount to 570MWh which equals 134 tons of CO2per year. Financial pay-off is achieved by most stakeholders during the first 3 years and by almost all stakeholders after ten year across ten pilot sites in sixcountries. The socio-economic net benefit for the eSESH project, extrapolated for ten years, amounts to €1.9Million.
Over 5,000 tenants were provided with EAS and EMS services across ten pilots in six countries. Though all pilots follow the same approach, the local conditions were highly diversified with regard to resources, building standards and equipment required. Heat production, for instance, might range from electricity heaters in each flat to CHPs in a local district heating grid.
The eSESH-solution proofed that standardising requirements, use cases and architecture to the wide range of pilot sites is possible and successful. The eSESH solution is based onSmart Metersmeasuringamounts of energy or water flowing throughthem and capable of communicating the readings autonomously every few minutes to a centralised server. Two major service categories are distinguished: Energy Awareness Systems, which provide tenants with greatly enhanced, timely feedback about their energy use, and Energy Management Systems (EMS), enablingend users (tenants), housing providers and/or energy providers to manage energy consumption in smart ways, leading to greater efficiency and lower GHG emissions.
Five key stakeholders are identified by the projectalong with public authorities (policy makers, local city councils). Social housing companies provide living space and are the main referencepoint for all stakeholders including tenants. Once responsible for readingoftraditional meters, the measurement provider adopts a new business model using new technologiesoftendevelopedbyIT-companies. In most pilot sites the energy provider remainspassive or, in some cases, isactively hindering access to building infrastructure and / or the collection of data required. Lessons learnt are provided for all stakeholders.