Title | Climate Ready Barcelona | ||
Acronym | CR – BCN |
Start date | 01/05/2023 |
End date: | 30/06/2025 |
Program | ICLEI Action Fund 2.0 | . | . |
Subprogram | Using Data for Local Environmental Action |
Climate-Ready Barcelona (BCN) aims to support the Barcelona city council and citizenship in anticipating and adapting to climate change effects and the related energy crisis. It will develop and implement cutting-edge energy awareness services addressed to the Energy Advisory Centers (EACs) users and a data-driven household climate vulnerability map to support the municipal departments’ climate-related decisions. Furthermore, Climate-Ready BCN will gather, process, and enrich many data sets to help local policymakers implement multidimensional, cross-departmental climate inequality interventions. Linking these interventions with tailored energy advisory actions it is planned to boost the energy retrofitting of buildings and the energy sovereignty plans.
A large amount of datasets from a wide variety of sources will be used to develop socioeconomic, neighbourhood and building level indicators of climate vulnerability, and to deliver tailored energy awareness services. These datasets come from several sources:
- Geo-referenced data of buildings and districts: Cadastral Electronic Site of Spain (INSPIRE Services of Cadastral Cartography), BCN Municipal Data Office (OMD)(cadaster information at sub-building level, building typologies, building censuses), Catalonia Tax Agency (buildings’ purchase and sale prices), National Statistics Institute of Spain (INE)(administrative units description), Cartographic and geological institute of Catalonia (ICGC)(vegetation, LIDAR data, soil covers, soil classification, grade of topographic buildings 1:5000, Catalan Urban Map), Catalan Open data site (touristic establishments database, building’s technical revision data, certificates of occupancy) ;
- Socio-economic data: Social Services Department of BCN city council (energy poverty, vulnerable families data, household data from the EACs), INE (household income distribution atlas, demography distribution per neighbourhood);
- Energy related data: Distribution System Operators data files (monthly gas and electricity consumption at building level), Datadis site (aggregated hourly electricity consumption by economic sector at postal code), Metropolitan Area of Barcelona open data (solar and wind rooftop potential map), Catalan open data site (PV installations, building energy certificates);
- Urban mobility and air quality: BCN city council (heat island map, air quality database), Barcelona Public Health Agency (extreme events), INE (population mobility based on mobile phone data); v) weather and outdoor comfort data: Copernicus data access hub (solar radiation), Catalan Meteorological Agency (METEOCAT)(forecasts), darksky.net (forecasts), Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) ; vi) data from Google services: Places API (establishments distribution and activity ), Distance matrix API (traffic level distribution).
The data sets will be harmonised to a standard data model and made available to the data analytics tools to be developed in the project.
Climate Ready BCN project has received funding from the ICLEI Action Fund 2.0