Jose Santos Lopez
Passionate engineer about solar energy technologies and other renewable innovations that make a sustainable use of energy.
A man, a colleague and a friend pass away. He was closely involved with the CIMNE-BEEGroup and UdL teams in a mixed work between research and education. He started working on the integration and optimization of photovoltaic panels, in energy efficiency solutions for individual buildings (e.g. Passivhaus standard) as well as urban planning environment (e.g. Zero-Energy Islands), and last years in other related sectors like energy and data science, in particular, for the subdomains of machine learning and data visualization, but always linked to the energy efficiency sector.
He worked in innovative projects about stakeholder interaction methods like urban plans focused to “nearly” Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs) and their possible settlements (Semanco), energy audits (prompted to energy efficiency improvements with Zero-Energy standards (Zebra and Aida) and energy reports applied in consumer engagement for utilities (Beedata Analytics).
Last years, Jose was involved in several research papers for preparing his PhD about best practices of energy efficiency certification methodologies in the nZEBs. Since the end of 2020, he was immersed in a new project for improving their skills, a 3-year bachelor’s degree called “digital design and creative technologies”.