ENMA is the big data architecture developed by CIMNE BEE Group. A Big Data software which allows to storage, manage and analyse high amounts of information from energy utility companies.
A scalable big data architecture with different components that orchestrate the whole set.
Scalability and performance
The spin-off Beedata Analytics commercialize ENMA

ENMA data source is at Github!
- The Empowering project2013-2015 Intelligent Energy Europe program.First version of ENMA was set for the Empowering project
- Beedata AnalyticsOur Spin-off started commercializing the servicesPublised at Bitbucket.org
- Published at Github v2Second generation
The story behind Enma
ENMA arises from our slogan ENergy that MAtters. We found the analogy with Enma, the Japanese name of Yama, the god of the underworld in Buddhist mythology. Yama is the manager of hell who “analyse” acts after a human dies and “takes decision” to fall into hell or go to heaven.
The original big data architecture of ENMA emerged within the EMPOWERING project, which aimed to help consumers to save energy thanks to the information on their meter or bill. It was a co-founded project by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union.

Empowering customers to save energy by informative billing
01/04/2013 – 31/03/2016
The EMPOWERING project joined 4 ambitious utility companies, supported by an international team of university researchers, social scientists and energy experts. During 3 years, they joined forces to empower 344,000 European households to positively manage their energy consumption. The solutions included several online tools and improving the information on energy bills. CIP (2007-2013) | IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe