Empowering results
Practical report on project results
Project: Empowering customers to save energy by informative billing
The energy savings achieved within the Empowering project were evaluated using the Difference- in-Difference methodology which compares the performance of an experimental and control group of customers in each pilot.
The analysis covered a period of two years, from November 2013 to December 2015. The services started operating as pilot projects after October 2014, using the previous period as a baseline for evaluation.
The services in France and in Austria were offered through an online tool. In Italy, a periodic home energy report was sent by email. In Spain, both online tool and paper report were offered, evaluating separately the effect on the users of receiving the different treatments.
In France, the availability of additional data allowed for separate evaluation per groups of customers with similar electricity end-uses: only for appliances, or also for heating and hot water.
In Italy the evaluation was done over two groups of customers with different contracted power.