BIGG project final event – Recording and slides
On November 24th, the BIGG Project organized its Final Event: “Data aggregation and harmonization for a sustainable built environment”.
Inetum, the project coordinator, opened the event and welcomed the participants. The European Commission also participated at the event. Represented by CINEA, the Project Advisor made a presentation highlighting the importance of date in the built environment and also shared some insights about the European Strategy for data.
The partners of the consortium presented the main outcomes and introduced the technical solution proposed for each of the six business cases and how BIGG helped with the challenges found. The BIGG Ontology and AI Toolbox developed within the project were explained and discussed with three experts from the European projects ENERGATE, DigiBUILD and MODERATE. The experts introduced the ontologies defined within their projects and how they made sure they could reuse existing standardized ontologies, and described some use cases handled by their ontologies.
To conclude, three innovative LIFE projects were invited to pitch: InEExS, AUDIT-TO-MEASURE and EU-MORE. These projects take part in the #SmartEnergyClsuter together with BIGG and other projects with the common objective of achieving a sustainable and efficient energy system.
Watch the recording of the event.