The Building Energy and Environment Group (BEE Group) is an autonomous department of the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) involving over 20 researchers (Physics, Engineering, ICT, Environmental Science and Statistics specialists). It was founded in 2001 and has two main offices, one in the GAIA building of the UPC Campus in Terrassa and the other in the EUROTRADING building besides the Cappont Campus of the University of Lleida.
BEE Group meets the challenge of employing our knowledge and experience to help users to get the best possible use out of the energy that they consume.

Our R&D activities are focused on:
Developing better building energy management by improving precision, providing faster response, setting up adaptive and predictive control and making buildings more responsive to users’ requirements and wishes.
Making energy data more useful to professionals and companies by reducing cost and increasing applicability and reliability through Big Data Analytics, personalized energy services and adaptive visual interfaces and mobile applications.
Making energy data more friendly to building users by selecting the most relevant information, by making control more appropriate and by personalising the experience.
We scout the science world looking for knowledge and inspiration

The BEE Group collaborates with national and international companies and institutions. As BEE Group, we understand that the goals and challenges we face could be achieved better if companies that are sensitive to the needs of society and researchers who develop cutting-edge innovations work together.
Research Centers and Universities
Public Institutions
Consultants and Architecture
Utility companies
Social Housing
International & NGOs

CIMNE Building Energy and Environment Group
GAIA Building (TR14) Campus Terrassa
Rbla. Sant Nebridi, 22 – 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona)
Tel: +34 937 398 987

CIMNE-BEE Group Lleida
Parc AgroBioTech
Turó de Gardeny, s/n, Edifici H3, Planta 1, Oficina 11 – 25003 Lleida